How To

How to clear cache on iPhone and iPad: all methods

Read our step by step guide on how to clear the cache on iPhone and iPad.

Apple products have a recognized reputation around the world for their high performance. In this sense, they tend to work in such an optimized way that at first, it may not be necessary to be aware of cleaning the iPhone cache.

But, as time goes by, data and information from files, web pages and programs begin to accumulate, which means that performance begins to decline. And that’s when we have to start cleaning our iPhone.

To be more sure of the procedure, it is important that you are aware of what the cache is. Well, it is a fast access memory that records all the processor data temporarily. So you can access apps or websites quickly, although if they accumulate they have the opposite effect.

There are many symptoms that your iPad or iPhone can present due to this accumulation. The most common is that the system slows down and, in the worst case, that it presents obstacles when using an application. And is that sometimes you can confuse this problem with a defect in the equipment, but solving it is easier than you think: you only have to delete the data that you do not need. Today in Join iOS we show you in detail. Take note!

How to clear your browsers cache on iPhone and iPad?

One of the secrets to clearing the cache of an iPhone is to start with the browsers. It doesn’t really matter which one you use (Safari, Chrome…), because all browsers tend to store a large amount of information in this memory.

The problem is that every time you do a search or access a website, data is generated that is not important in the future, simply because you will not visit those pages again. And this is precisely the purpose of this section, to help you remove information that, in addition to not being important, slows down the operation of your device.

Then, we explain how to do the cache removal procedure in the two most used browsers, Safari and Chrome. Pay attention!

How to clear Safari cache?

Do you know how to clear cache on iPhone? You must bear in mind that the default browser of the iOS system is Safari. It usually accumulates a lot of information, since it is linked to your applications or services within your computer. So by eliminating it the system will surely start to go faster.

Before proceeding, it is important that you know that all sessions will be closed. So if you have an account open make sure you do not lose important information. Here is the step-by-step procedure:

  1. Open the Settings application on your mobile.
  2. Look for Safari in the browsers section.
  3. Click on it. You will see that a tab with many options.
  4. Go to the last part of that tab.
  5. There you will see the option Clear history and data. Click there.

At that very moment, all this additional information will be deleted. If you wish, you can access the browser again to reopen your accounts.

Clear Chrome cache on iPhone and iPad

In case you use another browser like Chrome, the procedure to clear the cache on your iPhone is very similar. This browser also accumulates a lot of information and can even set cookies that slow down the system even more.

Being available for both iOS and Android, the procedure for deleting this memory may be slightly different. Here we leave you the complete process in iOS so that you do not get lost when doing it:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Now, access the browser settings by clicking on the menu with the three horizontal dots on the bottom bar.
  3. Once open, select Settings or Settings. Here, you will see some information about your account and basic configuration of the app.
  4. Scroll down a bit and click on Privacy.
  5. Then select the Delete browsing data option. You can choose between deleting the last hour, the last 24 hours, the last 7 days, the last 4 weeks or the entire history.
  6. Before deleting the data permanently, you may get a tab asking if you really want to proceed. In that case, press the option again.
  7. The history, the data of the visited websites and the files and images that have been stored in the cache will be deleted. And you will have it ready!

How to clear app cache on iPhone?

Web pages are not the only ones that continuously accumulate data, but installed applications and even those that come by default on your iPhone also tend to accumulate a lot of data in memory.

In this sense, if you tend to use your apps constantly, it is important to clear your iPhone’s cache to keep them optimized, which will eliminate any bugs or unexpected obstacles. In this case, you have an option, delete the data from each app in the iOS settings. We show you how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your mobile or iPad.
  2. Select the General tab within that menu.
  3. Then select the option Device storage (or iCloud).
  4. The first thing you will see is a list of all the applications on your mobile. They will be ordered starting with the ones that use the most data on the computer.
  5. For example, you can select the first one. You will see the space it occupies and other details about the app.
  6. Finally, you must click on Delete app. To do this, the system will ask you up to two times. Once done, the app and all the data it has accumulated in the cache will be completely removed.

As you can see, in iOS there is no proper option to clear the cache, but we must remove the app completely to clean all the stored files and then reinstall it.

Repeat the procedure until you have cleaned up all the applications on the system. Our recommendation is that if you see that the app has a weight of up to 500 MB or more, it is better to delete it and then reinstall it. In this way, only the original data will be restored.

In some cases, you should bear in mind that you can delete the data within the app’s own settings, but not all of them have that option. So if they don’t have it, the only possible alternative is to remove it and reinstall it.

Restart your iOS device

Another option to effectively clear cache on iPhone is by restarting your iOS device. The truth is that this is one of the best alternatives, since it will not take you long and you will not lose data that may interest you, such as the accounts opened in your browser or some configuration in your applications.

Just by restarting your device, the system will do all the optimization work. Not only will it remove that extra data, but it will also improve the way you use your apps and all software, which is very beneficial for increasing the life of your computer, improving performance and keeping memory free.

If you know how to turn off your iPhone or iPad, then you also know how to restart it. You just have to press and hold the power button until the restart option appears. Select it and wait. In the most recent iPhone, such as the X or 11, you must press the power button and the volume up or down button at the same time.

In both cases, the equipment will turn off after 30 seconds. Later, to complete the restart process, the device must be turned on again by pressing the side button (iPhone 12, 11, X and SE of 2nd generation) or the top button (other models). Once done, the memory will be automatically reduced.

What is the cache?

As we explained at the beginning of the article, the cache is a temporary memory. However, in computing, it is also known as a buffer memory, since it is used so that future requests in your apps can be generated more quickly.

Thus, it is very useful for optimized operation, but stored data is usually duplicated.

On the other hand, it is important that you know that this memory exists within your computers by default, but it also exists within the micro SD, so we recommend that you proceed to delete the data from both to have better results.

Why is it necessary to clear the cache on your iOS device?

We recommend clearing your iPhone’s cache, not only to prevent your computer from slowing down, but also to improve performance and extend the life of the system.

If you get used to deleting it constantly, or at least every 3 months, you will see that you will have less problems with your devices. Also, doing this procedure is ideal in case you notice that your applications begin to behave strangely, with unexpected closings or constant errors.

Another reason for doing this cleaning is because this memory is very small, so it usually fills up almost immediately. Likewise, experts consider that there may be an update to an app that is not generated due to this storage.

And voila, you have all the best options to clear the cache on iPhone and iPad without problems. Remember that some applications of the iOS system are delicate. Those that have to do with the configuration or some internal adjustment do not eliminate them, better resort to restarting so that the system adjusts them automatically.

Also, read how to clear iPhone’s RAM.

Rivan Rollins

Published by
Rivan Rollins

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